Who would think 700 stones could feel so meaningful?

By Patty Lewis

We did it!

After a little more than 700 white rocks, we now have a stone on every Jewish grave in the old and new cemeteries at Highland Lawn, with help from Wilma Turetzky, Jackie Silver and Jessica Claycomb. It took us two days, but it was well worth it.

Sisterhood meeting was November 8. Jackie Silver was our guest speaker. She does scrapbooking and brought examples with her. They were so nice. It makes a person want to start working on one. Jackie also brought supplies and we all made Hanukkah cards. It was very interesting to see what all scrapbookers do. You just had to be there to know what you missed.

I am so proud of all the donations we have had turned in for Conner’s Center and Light House Mission in just one week. The box will be at the Temple until our next Sisterhood meeting Tuesday, December 13, so you will have time to help fill it up.

We’ll turn over the items to a representative from Conner’s Center/Light House Mission during our Sisterhood meeting. I am sure they can use these items. With winter coming, there are gloves and winter scarves that will help. Don’t forget the children there also. There are so many needs out there and I know we can’t meet them all, so we just have to do what we can.

Patty Lewis is president of UHC Terre Haute Sisterhood.

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