What if Moses could have posted the Exodus on Facebook Live?

By Betsy Frank

Betsy Frank is UHC para-rabbinic fellow and president.

Spring is on the way and it’s time to let our minds wander a bit.

Mine was wandering today and all of a sudden I thought, what if our ancestors had used Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or Instagram to communicate the events that led to Purim and Passover, the holidays we celebrate during the month of March?

Perhaps Vashti would have tweeted, #MeToo. Esther might have posted pictures of the banquets on lnstagram, and, certainly Haman’s hanging would have reached Facebook Live.

Or, Haman might have tried to rally his troops on Snapchat because the messages would have disappeared on opening and couldn’t be traced.

News of the plagues might have spread on Twitter or Facebook.

News of the plagues might have spread on Twitter or Facebook. During the Exodus, Moses could have videoed the event and posted it on social media as the Israelites crossed the parted Red Sea and the Egyptians subsequently drowned in the chase. #WeAreGone!

Use your imagination, engage your families and friends and create your own hashtags!

Yes, this endeavor is a little silly. But as the weather gets warmer and our sluggish bodies awaken, let the creative juices flow.

Dick and I wish you a Chag Sameach on two accounts, once for Purim and once for Passover.


Betsy Frank

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