I am so sorry we have lost our friend Estelle Corrigan this past month.
Estelle and John Corrigan were a beautiful couple. I loved to listen to them tell how they met and how much they loved dancing.
They met at a dance hall.
When I think of Estelle and John as a young couple, I think of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.
When I think of Estelle and John as a young couple, I think of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. When I think of them now, I see them dancing in a ballroom holding each other and gazing at each other with so much love. They both will be missed as part of our congregation.
Borrowed Hearts visit is a success

We had a great turnout for Sisterhood when the speakers from Borrowed Hearts joined us.
They were very pleased with the contributions that we were able to have for them. I thank everyone who gave.
I was very proud to have Robert’s baby-naming at our Temple. Herschel did a great job conducting the service.
I was very proud to have my great-grandson Robert’s baby-naming at our Temple. Herschel did a great job conducting the service. Robert had promised Herschel that he would be good, and did not cry once during the ceremony.
I was not present for Izaak’s Bar Mitzvah, but an unfortunate accident caused me to miss the ceremony.
I did hear that Izaak did a beautiful job. I also would like to thank Betsy, Jackie and Wilma for setting up Friday night oneg before the Bar Mitzvah.
That is one thing I have always said about our Sisterhood ladies: all I have to do is pick up the phone and ask and they are there. I appreciate that very much.
Herschel Chait conducted Robert’s baby naming April 13 at the Temple, and Bruce Black led Shabbat services and the hamotzi at a celebratory oneg.
Patty Lewis is president of UHC Terre Haute Sisterhood.