We are not looking for the beef, but the cups

By Patty Lewis

I don’t care where the beef is, but where are the cups? I went to get four cups from our beautiful set of antique dishes and out of a set of around 200, there is only one cup. In “Beauty and the Beast”, I know cups can walk and talk, but I’m sure our cups did not walk away alone. If anyone knows where the cups are, please share it with me!

We had a great Sisterhood luncheon and meeting. Our guest speaker was Jean Diemer, who gave a talk on the life of Patricia Polacco, a well-known author of children’s books. Most of Polacco’s books were about her Jewish grandmother’s life. Jean read a book titled Thunder Cake. She not only read the book, she made the thunder cake from the recipe in the back of the book!

Jean came to the Temple about 10:30 a.m. and set up the tables with beautiful teacups and teapots. After reading the book, she served us the thunder cake and special tea. Usually, we treat the guest speaker, but this time she treated us. I am sorry so many of you missed this special program.

Now, it’s time I get on my Temple soapbox. Our Temple is made up of a lot of different parts. A lot like our bodies, if one part stops working, it affects all the other parts. Sisterhood is one such part. Do you realize what part we play?

Let me give you a short version of our part. We take care of our:

  • Religious school teachers.
  • Religious school supplies.
  • Supplies for our kitchen, which is used by everyone for many occasions.
  • Onegs. There is no Oneg Fairy — it is your Sisterhood.

In addition, each year, we reach out to the community by picking one good cause to help. We also host the annual dinner for Good Cheer for the Blind.

Not one of our ladies of today is able to take credit for starting Sisterhood and not one of us wants to take credit for giving up on Sisterhood. Do you?

We are not the large group we used to be and we are not able to hold large fundraisers. Like all families, we need to help each other. So, the next time you think Sisterhood is just a group of ladies that has nothing better to do than have lunch together and talk about the ones who are not there, you may be half right.

We could use you. I know some of you have good reasons to be absent and you may be unable to attend, but a phone call to say, “I support what you are doing” (or not) is OK too. Just let me know you are out there! Your mother’s grandmothers and great-grandmothers worked hard for their Sisterhood and we don’t want to let them down.

I’ll step down from my soapbox now but before I do, remember, I don’t like to eat alone!

Fall is almost here, with all its beauty. The season also makes us think of what comes after fall — the cold snowy winter. We have to keep in mind there is a reason for each season. It is like everything in life — there are parts we love and parts we are not crazy about.

My family wishes all of our Temple family a Happy New Year. Each year brings us new challenges. We never know what they will be, but I am ready for them.

Patty Lewis is president of UHC Terre Haute Sisterhood.

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