Intersecting calendars can bring complications, or a fun combo of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah

By Debra Israel

Hanukkah begins the evening of Sunday, Nov. 28. And while not quite the same as our historic Hanukkah/Thanksgiving combination (which we last experienced in 2013), it’s still pretty close!

Personally, I love thinking about the culinary possibilities, such as enjoying my leftover cranberry dishes with latkes instead of just applesauce. I’ll make sure to keep some sweet potatoes to grate and add to the latke recipe.

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Cleaning up clutter might just make more time for Daf Yomi and other spiritual pursuits

By Betsy Frank

I recently listened to a presentation about reducing stress in our lives. One tip suggested cleaning up clutter. Oops! If that’s the case, I am in trouble!

But just today I inadvertently came upon an opportunity to clean up some clutter.

I had begun searching my computer for an old column to recycle. Unfortunately, I carelessly clicked the wrong button, and all my old columns were gone.

Then I got to thinking, do I really need to keep all my old files? Probably not.

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Summer lasts a little longer on South Padre Island, but there’s no place like home

By Patty Lewis

Welcome to fall weather, with its sunshine, cool temperatures and turning leaves.

A few Sisterhood members got together in late October to discuss ideas and projects as Wilma invited Jackie and me to her home for coffee and cake. We talked travel and family and scrapbooking and art projects and had such an enjoyable visit.

I had just returned from an event-filled 17 days in South Padre Island, Texas, to visit my son Grant and daughter-in-law Dawn. It was my first trip since my husband Ralph passed away in June.

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A breath of divine air renews the process of creation as the Torah cycle begins again

By Student Rabbi Matt Derrenbacher

Each year, the Hebrew month of Tishrei can feel like an absolute whirlwind. We have Rosh Hashanah, Shabbat Shuvah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot … and finally we round out the month with Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah.

Amid this parade of holidays, we take some time to reflect on the year gone by and begin to look forward to the year that is to come.

Up to the point of Simchat Torah, we have celebrated the New Year, atoned for our sins and eaten/prayed/slept in sukkahs to commemorate our ancestors’ journey through the wilderness to the Promised Land.

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