As we are in the month of Elul, we are blessed to be given a time and space in which we reflect on this past year. What happened this past year? What was great in our lives? What were the trying moments? Where do we want to take our lives in the next year? Who did we help? Who did we hurt? What do we want to do again? What do we never want to repeat? Where do we go from here?
Bylined opinion and news columns published by United Hebrew Congregation Terre Haute.
Days of Awe provide opportunity for reflection
The Ten Days of Awe or Yamim Noraim is a time for reflection, both personal and congregational. From our reflections, we strive to make changes in our personal and congregational lives. Over the past several years, I have written about personal reflection and change, but not so much about congregational reflection.
Three ladies of the month, for October 2016
This month, we remember Carolyn Gurman, Rona Schultz and Pearl Stern.
Rona was born in Chicago, met Robert on a blind date and moved to Terre Haute in 1942. She loved golf, a passion she shared with Robert. She also enjoyed playing bridge and solitaire and was interested in the arts and antiques.
We are not looking for the beef, but the cups
I don’t care where the beef is, but where are the cups? I went to get four cups from our beautiful set of antique dishes and out of a set of around 200, there is only one cup. In “Beauty and the Beast”, I know cups can walk and talk, but I’m sure our cups did not walk away alone. If anyone knows where the cups are, please share it with me!