The three ladies we are remembering this month: Lillian Adelman, Millie Felstein and Pat Hoffman. Lillian was a member of United Hebrew Congregation and taught school for many years with Vigo County Schools. Millie graduated from Wiley High School, was a member of United Hebrew Congregation and was co-founder of Clothes Closet. Pat was active in many activities at the Temple.
Bylined opinion and news columns published by United Hebrew Congregation Terre Haute.
Temple members can make a difference
If you are reading your Hadashot newsletter today, that means we have made it through 5776. I think that is God’s way of telling us our work here on earth is not done. Have you ever wondered what that work is? I know I do. At the end of the day I try to look back and think, did I save a life, teach someone something or tell someone I love them and they are important?
Veterans Day service will honor Temple members and others who have served
We are very blessed in this country to be able to celebrate our faith in peace and without fear. This right and guarantee has been ensured by men and women who in every generation have gone forth to protect us.
This service is our way of showing our gratitude. Please bring a veteran — friend, neighbor, colleague or family member — to this service.
Rabbi Arthur Green offers Judaism’s ’10 Best Ideas’
We have just finished celebrating the High Holy Days. How gratifying it was to look out over the congregation and see familiar faces — those who attend regularly, those from out of town who come home for the holidays, and those who are in town, but whom we don’t see often.