Unfortunately, the recent election failed to heal our country’s divisiveness. We are constantly bombarded with opposing viewpoints, anger and hostility from opposite ends of the political spectrum. How as a congregation should we respond to “hot button” social issues? At a recent Temple board meeting, the members grappled with taking a stand on the issue of immigration.
Bylined opinion and news columns published by United Hebrew Congregation Terre Haute.
Social justice commitment draws congregants to NoDAPL movement Sacred Stone Camp
Unitedhebrewth.org will occasionally feature voices from the congregation and community on social justice from a Reform Jewish perspective. Here, Terry Fear recounts her February visit with husband Steve to the site of the Dakota Access Pipeline protest near Cannon Ball, N.D.
Student Rabbi Aaron Rozovsky: Sowing the seeds of peace
I was told on more than one occasion growing up that Tu B’Shevat was “the Jewish Earth Day” and “a Jewish Hippie Holiday.” I was therefore surprised to learn years later that Tu B’Shevat actually had some of its roots in war.
The Cohen and Miles families have made great contributions to United Hebrew Congregation
We have so many people who have been an important part of our temple. I would like to thank them and their families by writing about some of them each month. Today, we take a look at the Cohen and Miles families.