Young people stick around to enliven holiday events, help religious school thrive

By Patty Lewis

With the snow and ice on the road and below-freezing temperatures, all we can do is stay in our nice warm houses with homemade soup on the stove.

In the meantime, less-fortunate people try to survive out there in the cold, not knowing where their next meal is coming from.

The Temple Hanukkah party brought a good turnout this time around. I want to thank Karen Harris and her helpers for making religious school and holiday celebrations possible for our children.

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As cold weather sets in, Tu B’Shevat recalls the promise of spring

By Betsy Frank

January is one of the dullest months of the year. Usually, the weather is cold and gray. Some members of our community flee to warmer climates for a few months and we miss their presence.

Yet, our Hebrew calendar provides a bit of a respite with one of four new year’s celebrations noted in the Talmud.

Beginning at sundown Sunday, January 20, and ending at sundown Monday, January 21, is Tu B’Shevat. This holiday celebrates the coming of spring in Israel and gives us hope that spring will also return to Indiana.

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Legally speaking: What is power of attorney, and when do we need it?

By B. Scott Skillman

Continuing my series on routine planning to assist family and friends in the event of incapacity or death, this month’s article focuses on the creation and use of a “power of attorney.”

People often assume that the phrase power of attorney has something to do with a lawyer. The term “attorney” often involves lawyers, but it actually applies to persons authorized to act on behalf of another. 

So, for our purposes here today, keep in mind that lawyers need not be involved at all. Which is not to say they should not be involved, but only that it is not required.

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Sisterhood takes time off until March, plans kitchen shower

By Patty Lewis

Sisterhood held our final meeting of the season in November in the new Meadows Cafe at Meadows Shopping Center. We decided we enjoyed having lunch together and so each month we will find a different restaurant where we can get together. I’m going to check out the Fly-IN Cafe at Terre Haute Regional Airport for our next meeting in March 2019.

We also hope to schedule a shower to replenish the Temple kitchen, and could use some first aid items as well. We will be sending out a flyer between now and March and you can bring your items to the March meeting or drop them by the Temple.

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