Sisterhood will meet for pie in November, seeks charity project ideas for new year

By Patty Lewis

Sisterhood continued one tradition over the summer and then resumed its fall schedule with a lunch meeting at McAlister’s Deli and work on the 5780 Rosh Hashanah greetings booklet.

Thank you all for your donations and dues, and to the anonymous individual who left a lovely note and generous donation at Norma’s office.

We will next meet for our second-Tuesday luncheon event at noon Nov. 12, 2019, at Grand Traverse Pie Company, 75 North Third St. in Terre Haute.

Please come on out, and bring some new ideas for Sisterhood projects. I’m thinking of a small fundraiser. If you have a charity in mind, please let me know!

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Reflect on the good — and share your suggestions with the Temple community

By Betsy Frank

The High Holidays have passed, but we still have the opportunity to take stock of our lives.

What obligations and tasks have we performed well? What could we improve? And if goals yet remain, how do we reach those goals?

During this time, I also like to reflect on what is good in my life.

All of us can easily recognize aspects of our daily lives that do not satisfy. But how often do we also recognize the good?

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Board, volunteers produce Temple improvements in time for holidays

By Debra Israel and Terry Fear

United Hebrew Congregation board members and volunteers approached the High Holidays with busy preparation.

We’re deeply involved in restoration, maintenance and security projects, the gratifying result of both monetary contributions and volunteer efforts of many individuals.

Next time you visit the synagogue, look around and view the improvements you have helped achieve!

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During the month of Elul, take accounting of your soul, and the congregation’s

By Betsy Frank

Once again, the month of Elul is upon us and at the end of September, Rosh Hashanah.

This yearly cycle gives us all the opportunity for cheshbon hanefesh, or engaging in an audit or accounting of the soul. This accounting provides us the time to consider how we might improve our personal lives and rectify wrongs done to others.

Personal soul audits are not the only audits we can perform. Our congregation also looks at its collective soul, which is grounded in UHC’s mission statement. What have we accomplished as a congregation? What more can we do to live out our mission statement?

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