Betsy asks: What are your talents?

By Betsy Frank

As the academic year ends for our students in K-12 and college, I’ve started to think about all the hope and talents these students possess.

But developing talents doesn’t end with formal schooling.

So, what are your talents?

I know our congregation is filled with many talented people. First, Student Rabbi Rocki Schy offers succinct homilies, is a pro when reading Torah, and conducts well-organized and informative Torah studies.

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We’ve again counted the omer, recognizing the glory of freedom and the beauty of the Torah

By Student Rabbi Rocki Schy

With Pesach and Shavuot now concluded, we’ve completed the period of the Jewish calendar during which we count the omer.

This ancient timekeeping mechanism finds new life each year as we number the days in between these two holidays. In ancient times, we used an actual omer — a piece of barley — to track the days between these chaggim, while worshipers traveled to the Temple.

Today, the counting of the omer is a more symbolic practice. We keep a mental tally, rather than a pile of barley.

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A tiny aleph in Leviticus notes great significance about an important meeting

By Student Rabbi Rocki Schy

During recent Shabbatot, we’ve been reading from the Book of Leviticus.

Leviticus is the third book of the Torah, and is told primarily through Hashem’s speech to Moses about how Moses should instruct the Israelites.

This is a break in form from the more narratively skewed books of Genesis and Exodus.

Leviticus is instead concerned with legal, ritual and moral practices. Through Hashem’s words to Moses, the Israelites are told how to interact with one another, how to make sacrifices, how to handle legal disputes and how to act in a holy manner, among many other instructions.

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Welcome spring, and see you at the seder!

By Betsy Frank

Spring is finally here! And spring means Pesach. I hope you’ll attend our congregational seder led by Student Rabbi Rocki Schy at 6 p.m. Saturday, April 8.

This will be our first complete, in-person seder with a full meal since 2019. You may also attend virtually via Zoom.

In other news, please follow our latest efforts to re-envision the congregation. Debra Israel is leading a task force that is exploring future possibilities for UHC.

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