Emily Dana brings focus on interfaith outreach, disability rights to term as UHC student rabbi

By Student Rabbi Emily Dana

Shalom, all!

My name is Emily Dana, and I am overjoyed to be joining your community for the coming year as United Hebrew Congregation’s rabbinic intern.

What do you need to know about me? I was born in Boston and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, where I attended Beth Emet Synagogue in Evanston.

Growing up, I went to Camp OSRUI in Oconomowoc, Wis., where I also served on staff for a number of years.

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While the sanctuary awaits our return, the Temple remains the ‘school house of the soul’

By Betsy Frank

Recently, a visitor to our website asked for information on Rabbi Samuel N. Deinard (1872-1921), who served our congregation during the last years of the 19th century.

My research took me to Herman Koren‘s Commemorative Book: 150th Anniversary of the Jewish Community in Terre Haute 1849-1999, where I came across a quote from the first ordained rabbi in Terre Haute, Dr. Alexander Lyons. At the dedication of the first Temple Israel in 1891, Rabbi Lyons described the synagogue as the “school house of the soul”.

I thought about this quote as the month of Elul, when we prepare for the High Holy Days, began. This year is certainly different because our Temple, since March, has conducted its business virtually.

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Viktor Frankl’s words provide guidance as we search for meaning in time of uncertainty

By Student Rabbi Remy Liverman

Early this year, we observed Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), Yom HaZikaron (Israeli Memorial Day) and Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel Independence Day); all addressing tragedy and loss, as well as triumph over suffering and oppression, ending on a note of freedom.

Noting the duality in the way our tradition remembers the past, I considered the stark contrast of my current situation to that of a year earlier, when on Yom HaShoah and Yom HaZikaron, I stood still on King David Street in Jerusalem as sirens blared for two minutes.

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President’s report: virtual services, busy board help maintain Temple’s energy during Covid era

By Betsy Frank

The past year split abruptly into segments following two distinct realities — one pre-Covid and one post-Covid.

Before the middle of March, we worshipped weekly at the Temple. We celebrated monthly onegs when student rabbi Remy Liverman led services.

Religious school studied weekly under the capable leadership of Karen Harris with help from Debra Israel and Jennifer Garcia-Israel. Sisterhood gathered on the second Tuesday of each month, weather and health permitting.

Then, Boom! Zoom! A stay-at-home order changed everything.

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