“Crisis” leads to innovation and connects virtual and in-person congregants

By Betsy Frank

How many of you have watched the television program, Macgyver? If you have, you know Angus Macgyver can jerry rig anything and get out of a tough situation.

Well, prior to the High Holy Days we experienced a crisis, so to speak, at UHC. How, we wondered, could we provide multi-access services to our congregation?

Just like the sages of Talmudic times who tried to figure out how to practice Judaism without the Temple, we had to figure out how to innovate (with a limited budget) in times of COVID.

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Unstoppable Temple Israel is clean, cool and ready to welcome all for the High Holy Days

By Betsy Frank

Often before the High Holy Days, I write a column that says, “Welcome Back”.

In thinking about this theme, I realized that “Welcome Back” is totally incorrect. This small but vital congregation never goes away. Like the Eveready Bunny, we keep on going.

Over these past 18 months (or is it 18 years?) of the pandemic we have continued to worship weekly and hold meetings via Zoom.

Shanah Tovah to all!

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Student Rabbi Matt Derrenbacher: Let’s heal relationships with others, and ourselves

By Student Rabbi Matt Derrenbacher

Hello United Hebrew Congregation of Terre Haute!

My name is Matt Derrenbacher and I am a fourth-year rabbinical student at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati.

I am super excited to spend this coming year with you all, praying, learning and creating meaningful Jewish spaces together.

During this month, we listen to the beautiful blasts of the shofar and begin to look inward and evaluate the past year.

Mah nishtanah ha-shanah ha-zeh? How is this year different than other years?

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Learn to balance work and life, and take satisfaction in that Shabbat day of rest

By Debra Israel

Every week at Shabbat services, we read that God finished all of the work of creation in six days and took a day of rest.

We also take a day of rest, for this reason, on the seventh day.

This spring, I started thinking more about the idea that we need to “finish our work” in order to take our day of rest.

In our busy world, with many demands on our time and indeed many things we each want to accomplish — for work, family, friends, creativity or social justice — it is difficult to imagine feeling as if our “work” is ever finished.

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