Walter Sommers Veterans Day

Veterans Day service will honor Temple members and others who have served

By Student Rabbi Aaron Rozovsky

Shalom L’Kulam!

I hope this finds you all well. First and foremost, I would like to thank all of you for the incredible hospitality and kindness you showed my mother, brother and me during yamin nora’im (the High Holy Days). It was extremely moving.

I also loved how UHC conducted services. By this I mean it wasn’t just me up there reading, chanting and giving sermons the whole time. Rather, services involved all of us participating and in doing so, I think that brought us even closer together as a kehilat k’dusha (holy community).

As we move forward, our next big project is the Veterans Day service that will take place at 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 11, at Westminster Village. We are blessed to have veterans in our congregation such as Walter Sommers and Dick Frank, so this is an opportunity to thank them for their service. It also serves as an opportunity to thank many of our non-Jewish friends and neighbors from the general Terre Haute community who have served in the armed forces.

We are very blessed in this country to be able to celebrate our faith in peace and without fear. This right and guarantee has been ensured by men and women who in every generation have gone forth to protect us.

This event allows us to show our gratitude. Please bring a veteran — friend, neighbor, colleague or family member — to the Veterans Day service.

Kol Tuv,


Student Rabbi Aaron Rozovsky is a captain in the Rhode Island Army National Guard and veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom. He will serve UHC Terre Haute throughout the 2016-17 academic year.

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