UHC’s first virtual seder closes with the promise, ‘Next year in Terre Haute!’

UHC has long found quiet distinction among small congregations by steadfastly continuing its tradition of Friday night Shabbat services, even as others fall by the wayside.

The congregation typically draws a minyan, if not better, on Shabbat, and monthly visits from the student rabbi inspire even better turnout (along with challah and pastry bakers motivated to share their handiwork at the oneg.)

COVID-19 social distancing precautions threatened to to interrupt that commitment — and did, for a single week as UHC canceled its scheduled March 20 service.

Services resume after a brief pause

Student Rabbi Remy Liverman led Shabbat services from Cincinnati.

The next Friday, however, Shabbat celebrations resumed as UHC president Betsy Frank officiated via the newly popular Zoom app. About 15 people joined from a dozen locations around the country and participated by consulting digital Shabbat prayers.

The following week doubled that turnout for Student Rabbi Remy Liverman and on April 10, Bruce Black, noted in the community for his resonant Haftarah readings, conducted Shabbat services.

Betsy recommended a “virtual oneg” for April 17, with all providing their own snacks.

Household pets help make a minyan

“It’s been nice to see people we don’t often get to see in services,” Betsy told the congregation. Herschel Chait apologized for his cats parading in front the camera, but others assured him their pets were present as well, and only added charm to the proceedings.

“Shabbat can always be celebrated in the home. And so what we’re doing is bringing all our homes together to celebrate Shabbat.”

“You know, typically, in the more orthodox community, all the men go to the synagogue on Friday night and the women stay home and make the meal,” Betsy remarked.

“But Shabbat can always be celebrated in the home. And so what we’re doing is bringing all our homes together to celebrate Shabbat. And I think there’s something rather nice about that.”

Hand-washing never seemed so vital

The virtual afikomen is a gleam in Brent’s eye. Can you find it?

By the time congregants gathered (from as far away as Puerto Rico) for UHC’s first virtual Passover seder on April 8, Betsy had sufficiently mastered the Zoom interface to conduct a virtual afikomen hunt and share Passover songs by Boys Town Jerusalem and the Israel Philharmonic.

The seder calls for washing of the hands, particularly appropriate to this time when all are instructed to sanitize surfaces and clean scrupulously. Everyone counted to 20 seconds as Betsy completed the ritual.

Adonai never hits the mute button

Zoom services require some adjustment — such as the cacophony of voices that routinely overwhelm prayers and songs, until the host finds the “mute” button.

More important, though, virtual services will help maintain those essential personal and spiritual connections until this crisis is past and congregants can return to the sanctuary. In fact, Betsy suggested UHC will leave that Zoom portal open when services resume at historic Temple Israel.

The first seder is complete and Shabbat services will continue if not exactly according to tradition, then in a new, even more accessible manner. As Scott Skillman declared in closing the virtual Haggadah, “Next year in Terre Haute!


UHC has shifted to Shabbat services, Torah study and Passover seder via the Zoom teleconferencing app.

On April 8, Betsy Frank led the virtual seder.

Student Rabbi Remy Liverman conducted a virtual Shabbat on April 3:

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