UHC takes climate action, plans special virtual event January 23 with The Shalom Center

By Betsy Frank

Betsy Frank is UHC para-rabbinic fellow and president.

Both Rosh Hashanah and secular New Year tradition call on us to make changes in our personal and collective behavior.

Our congregation has taken a step toward improvement by getting involved with Creation Care Partners, an Indiana interfaith organization dedicated to helping individuals and congregations ameliorate climate change.

Eco-Judaism pioneer Rabbi Arthur Waskow will speak on “Confronting the Climate Crisis: Despair or Sacred Action?”

Kasandra Housley, whom many of you know as Nathan Mutchler’s spouse, is active in this organization.

United Hebrew Congregation will co-sponsor a virtual event at 7 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 23, as Rabbi Arthur Waskow, founder and director of The Shalom Center and a pioneer in eco-Judaism, will speak on Confronting the Climate Crisis: Despair or Sacred Action?

UHC distributes water conservation fact sheet

In addition, each month, UHC will distribute a climate action sheet. January’s action sheet explains how we can conserve water at home.

For more water facts, take a look at the Smithsonian Institution’s Water/Ways exhibit, which recently visited our community under the sponsorship of Wabash Valley Riverscape.

Shabbat liturgy says God rested from all the creation that God had chosen to do. That means the rest is up to all of us.

Preserving our environment is rooted in Jewish values. The Torah speaks of fostering sustainable agriculture by harvesting appropriately and scheduling sabbatical years for our fields.

On Jan. 17, we celebrated Tu B’Shevat, the birthday for trees.

Our High Holy Days liturgy outlines sins against our world and Shabbat liturgy says God rested from all the creation that God had chosen to do. That means the rest is up to all of us.

New HVAC system will save energy

As a congregation, we have installed a more efficient HVAC system and sealed windows at the Temple.

I encourage you to think about what you can do in your household to conserve natural resources.

Through these efforts, we all can make a difference in improving our environment and help to slow down climate change.


Betsy Frank

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