Following two years in the wilderness of fully remote Passover seders, United Hebrew Congregation will invite members back to the Vestry Room for an abbreviated hybrid Pesach “Celebration” at 6 p.m. Saturday, April 23.
The date, which falls on the final day of Passover, coincides with Student Rabbi Matt Derrenbacher‘s regular visit. Rabbi Matt will conduct the seder for virtual and in-person audiences.
Betsy Frank will officiate hybrid Shabbat services at 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 15, the first night of Passover. UHC members will conduct their own at-home seders, according to family custom.
The April 23 event will run about 45 minutes and feature a limited menu. Please RSVP to Norma by April 15 at (812) 232-5988. Suggested donation is $10.
To request a Zoom invitation, contact Betsy, send a Facebook message or use our contact form.
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Attend a virtual seder
Herschel Chait has prepared a list of congregations offering virtual seders during the first or second nights of the holiday. Some require advance registration. All times EDT.
- Temple Emanu-El (Reform)
New York City
6 p.m. EDT Friday, April 15
Virtual Congregational Seder via web, Facebook and YouTube. - Temple Beth El (Reform)
Boca Raton, Florida
6:30-8:30 p.m. EDT Friday, April 15
Broadway and Hollywood Virtual Passover Seder via web, Facebook and YouTube. - Valley Beth Shalom (Conservative)
Encino, California
9 p.m. EDT Friday, April 15
Community Seder via Facebook and YouTube. - Congregation B’nai Israel (Conservative)
Tustin, California
10 p.m. EDT Friday, April 15
Passover and Community Seder, streaming live on YouTube. - East End Temple (Reform)
New York City
5 p.m. EDT Saturday, April 16
Second Night Virtual Seder
Advance registration required. - Temple Beth El (Reform)
Madison, Wisconsin
5-8 p.m. EDT Saturday, April 16
Community Passover Seder
Registration required. - Congregation T’chiyah (Reconstructionist)
Detroit, Michigan
5-8 p.m. EDT Saturday, April 16
Community Seder.
Registration required. - Judaism Your Way (non-denominational)
Denver, Colorado
7-8:30 p.m. EDT Saturday, April 16
Community Seder: Rise Up & Renew
Registration required. - The Temple Tifereth Israel (Reform)
Cleveland, Ohio
A Virtual Passover Seder
Pre-recorded seder, available for streaming anytime.