UHC remembers three ladies of the month

By Norma Collins

UHC Secretary Norma Collins wrote this column for the September 2016 edition of Hadashot.

The three ladies of the month, as always, are remembered fondly.

Lieba Yonks… We always remember Lieba as very friendly and with a great smile. Lieba was a nurse, an active member of United Hebrew and was vice-president on the Board, active in Sisterhood. She and her husband owned House of Interiors Furniture Store, where the Goodwill Building now stands. Also, Lieba was always a willing helper when it came to garage sales to make extra money to support Sisterhood and Religious School. She would spend hours sorting and pricing. After a time, her success became to big for her garage and she would have the sales here at the temple in the Vestry Room. We thought it was a lot of work, but not for Lieba. She loved helping.

Lillian Sarah Dumes Zoll… What a fun and witty lady. To her grandchildren, she was “Bubbie”. Lillian was a member of United Hebrew Congregation, Sisterhood president and served on the Board for 35 years. She taught Religious School, held offices in the National Council of Jewish Women and was a life-long member of Hadassah. She was a loving caregiver to her husband Samuel when he became ill in 1983.

Hilda Rosenfeld… Hilda’s parents came to the U.S. from Russia. Hilda was born in Terre Haute. Hilda graduated what was then called Indiana State Normal College and shortly after married attorney David Rosenfeld. After David’s passing, Hilda occupied her time with her family (including sister Jessee Frandzel), gardening and reading. She was a great cook, had beautiful flowers, remodeled and painted her house and dressed so elegantly. She was an intelligent and expressive woman. When she enjoyed something — like Coca-Cola, her favorite — she showed it. She was dedicated to her family and was attentive to their needs and happiness.

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