Temple members can make a difference

By Patty Lewis

If you are reading your Hadashot newsletter today, that means we have made it through 5776. I think that is God’s way of telling us our work here on earth is not done. Have you ever wondered what that work is? I know I do. At the end of the day I try to look back and think, did I save a life, teach someone something or tell someone I love them and they are important?

Our Temple is so full of educated people who make a difference in someone’s life. With Norma, we know her work will never be done. Ralph has a big job and he will never be done. He has to keep me on the right road. He tells me all the time I am important to him and he loves me. He makes me feel that maybe I am doing my job here on earth.

I went to the cemetery services at Highland Lawn on Sunday, October 9. We had a better turnout than last year, but I just find it hard to believe that there are only seven Jews in town who have family in Highland Lawn. I put pebbles on family and friends’ headstones in the new section. With pebbles in hand, I moved on to the old section where Ralph has family.

The next time you stop at a loved one’s grave, take a few extra pebbles for the others buried there. I am sure at one time, they were someone’s loved one.

While walking around the old section, I noticed there were so few pebbles and so many headstones need some work and TLC. I had an empty feeling inside me as I looked around at all the headstones without a pebble to say, “I was here and I miss you.” I am going to try and put a pebble on each headstone before winter sets in. The next time you stop at a loved one’s grave, take a few extra pebbles for the others buried there. I am sure at one time, they were someone’s loved one.

Betsy Frank did a great job putting together the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. Everyone who had a part made the services a pleasure to listen to. We are so fortunate to have Student Rabbi Aaron Rozovsky with us. He made the holidays special.

The October 1 Sisterhood meeting attracted a great turnout and we were able to vote on some important business and did a lot of planning for our future. I wish I could tell you all about it but you just had to be there. Norma made her special cranberry tea and we had cookies to go with it, made by yours truly. If you haven’t had Norma’s special tea, you sure missed out on a treat. I could tell you what was in it but you just had to be there.

We are having a special guest speaker for November 8. It is going to be so special that we are going to allow her one hour instead of the usual half-hour to address the group. I wish I could tell you more about it, but I am running out of room, so I guess you will just have to be there!

Patty Lewis is president of UHC Terre Haute Sisterhood.

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