Temple counters social distancing with seder, Shabbat, Torah study via Zoom teleconference

By Betsy Frank

Betsy Frank is UHC para-rabbinic fellow and president.

As I was thinking about a topic for this month, the title of one of my favorite novels came to mind, Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Coronavirus is our modern-day cholera or plague. To say the least, we live in interesting times.

And these times call for creative ways to stay connected. We have begun to make those connections by purchasing a Zoom videoconferencing account for our Temple community.

This move has allowed us to live-stream Shabbat services that anyone can join via computer, tablet or mobile phone. You will just need to download the Zoom app.

Check your local listings for event announcements

UHC has begun conducting remote Shabbat services.

We will announce remote services through our website calendar and Facebook page. Just contact us when you see an announcement, and we’ll send you a meeting invite. Or, contact me directly and I will send you the link.

We’re also using Zoom for board meetings and Torah study. Student Rabbi Remy Liverman conducted Shabbat and Torah study recently from her home in Cincinnati, and congregants joined from all around the country.

So, what about the seder? Sadly, we can’t practice sufficient social distancing to continue our community seder tradition where everyone gathers at the Temple.

So, this year, we will be celebrating Passover remotely with a virtual Seder!

Join us Wednesday, April 8, for a virtual seder

The event will begin at 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 8. To join, just contact me or call Norma from 8 a.m. to noon Monday-Friday at (812) 232-5988. Consult our calendar and social media for updates.

In the meantime, download the free Parnes Haggadah and prepare your seder plate. The service will run about 45 minutes.

I will conduct the service, as Remy will celebrate Passover privately with family.

Please don’t worry if you begin with an incomplete seder plate. The most important thing is that we’re together and we tell the story. Would you agree?

Please don’t worry, however, if you begin with an incomplete seder plate. The most important thing is that we’re together and we tell the story. Would you agree?

Let us know if you need Passover supplies. If you need someone to help with the shopping or complete other chores, we can help there, too.

Stay well, and stay connected.


Betsy Frank

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