Yana Weinstein will serve as guest soloist for High Holy Days; board expands Torah studies

By Terry Fear

The Temple board has arranged for Ms. Yana Weinstein to serve as UHC soloist for Erev Rosh Hashanah and Kol Nidre. Ms. Weinstein teaches at Indiana State University and lives in Bloomington.

Torah Study will begin with Student Rabbi Kylynn on Saturday, October 21. Kylynn and the board met in August and discussed expanding the popular Saturday Torah studies to include a second class.

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‘The blights of society take precedence over the mysteries of heaven’

By Terry Fear

Even though I am a Reform Jew, I am drawn to a more orthodox morning prayer: I give thanks to You, Everlasting King, that You have returned to me my soul with compassion. Great is Your faithfulness.

Intellectually, of course, I know that does not happen. But spiritually, for me, that prayer acknowledges my daily return to God.

I believe that within the soul resides our yearning for social justice. And every morning, I can use that prayer to recommit to lending my voice, if given the opportunity, to someone whom society has made voice-less.

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Community joins Temple to honor 11 million Shoah victims, praise heroes

By Terry Fear

Yom HaShoah v’Hageveruh: The Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust and the Heroism was enacted by the Israeli Parliament in 1951 to honor the victims of the Shoah. Of equal importance, this Day of Remembrance honors the resistance — both active and passive — as Jews did resist their tormentors.

United Hebrew Congregation’s Yom HaShoah observance, held Sunday, April 23, in Temple Israel’s sanctuary, honored the 11 million victims of the Holocaust: the Jewish six million and the five million non-Jewish victims.

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