We’ve lost Estelle and John Corrigan, but celebrate Robert and Izaak

By Patty Lewis

I am so sorry we have lost a beautiful woman and our friend, Estelle Corrigan, this past month.

Estelle and John Corrigan were a beautiful couple. I loved to listen to them tell how they met and how much they loved dancing.

When I think of Estelle and John as a young couple, I think of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. When I think of them now, I think of them dancing in a ballroom holding each other and gazing at each other with so much love. They both will be missed as part of our congregation.

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Religious school students, lay leaders capture the spirit of Purim holiday

By Patty Lewis

Our religious school children learn so much from the Purim holiday. The first thing they learn is that it doesn’t always take an army to win a battle. In this case, it just took two individuals who loved the Jewish people to save them from elimination.

Bruce Black conducted Shabbat services on February 2, the Friday after Purim. I have heard the Purim story read many times but not the way Bruce told the story. I could envision every character as if watching a movie.

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Say hello to Robert; Borrowed Hearts director to visit Sisterhood in April

By Patty Lewis

First of all, I want to thank everyone who joined us at Patricia’s baby shower. Everyone was so giving and made the shower special. On March 10, we welcomed my great-grandson Robert!

I received a card, which was a surprise, from Student Rabbi Kylynn Perdue-Bronson, thanking me for inviting her to the shower, but it was our pleasure to have her.

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Each generation adjusts to challenges; Sisterhood collects items for foster families

By Patty Lewis

Another year has passed. Generation after generation will repeat the question, “Where did the year go?” and each generation will reflectively ask, “I wonder what kind of life past generations lived?”

But we have work to do to help the the current generation. Borrowed Hearts is a new organization that is working with foster families. They need help from the community.

Sisterhood will collect items for foster families need, such as clothing and personal items. Some of the foster children arrive with no possessions. A greater need exists in the community than many of us may realize.

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