Walter Sommers Veterans Day

Veterans Day service will honor Temple members and others who have served

By Student Rabbi Aaron Rozovsky

We are very blessed in this country to be able to celebrate our faith in peace and without fear. This right and guarantee has been ensured by men and women who in every generation have gone forth to protect us.

This service is our way of showing our gratitude. Please bring a veteran — friend, neighbor, colleague or family member — to this service.

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Apples and honey for Shana Tova 5799

Where do we want to take our lives in the next year?

By Student Rabbi Aaron Rozovsky

As we are in the month of Elul, we are blessed to be given a time and space in which we reflect on this past year. What happened this past year? What was great in our lives? What were the trying moments? Where do we want to take our lives in the next year? Who did we help? Who did we hurt? What do we want to do again? What do we never want to repeat? Where do we go from here?

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