Another month has passed and as you read this I’m sure you all had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends.
The Hanukkah Gift Shop is stocked with new items for you to select for the holiday. Hanukkah is such a meaningful time of the year.
Photos of people and events involved with United Hebrew Congregation Terre Haute.
Another month has passed and as you read this I’m sure you all had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends.
The Hanukkah Gift Shop is stocked with new items for you to select for the holiday. Hanukkah is such a meaningful time of the year.
Veterans Day holds special significance for Student Rabbi and U.S. Army Capt. Aaron Rozovsky, who served United Hebrew Congregation Terre Haute during the 2016-17 academic year.
Aaron, who has completed deployments in Cuba and Afghanistan, filled the Westminster Village community room last year for a special Veterans Day Shabbat service.
The event’s success invited a repeat performance, and Aaron returned this Veterans Day, in fatigues and camouflage yarmulke, to celebrate Shabbat with the retirement community and guests.
Aaron also took the opportunity to re-connect with his former congregation and conduct evening Shabbat services at Temple Israel. He recently completed two weeks’ active duty in South Carolina and is in his final year at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati.
United Hebrew Congregation Terre Haute Sunday school students draped a bare sukkah (raised by volunteers a week earlier) with beads, boughs and drawings last weekend, shook the lulav and etrog and settled into the structure to enjoy holiday snacks.
View photos from the event!
A band of hardy volunteers collected last Sunday in the yard behind Temple Israel to raise the sukkah for Sukkot 5778.
Religious school students will decorate the sukkah Sunday, Oct. 8, when Herschel Chait will officiate ceremonies at 10:30 a.m.