Celebrants fill Vestry Room for Passover seder

A record crowd for the Terre Haute diaspora era of more than 50 people filled the Vestry Room for the annual community Passover seder Friday, April 19, at United Hebrew Congregation.

Herschel Chait led Kabbalat Shabbat in the sanctuary and, adorned in seasonal matzoh tie and kippah, shared seder-hosting duties with Temple president Betsy Frank.

Listen to audio and view photos from the event, and check out Chistina’s Best Charoses recipe!

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Rwanda survivor Emmanuel Habimana speaks at UHC, calls for resistance, resilience, respect

As mounting instances of identity-based violence arouse memories of historic, mass atrocities, alarmed communities across the U.S. increasingly counter with public vigils and calls for peaceful resolution to conflict.

Here in Terre Haute, UHC’s sanctuary provides a welcoming venue for such events. On April 7, the 25th anniversary of the day Rwanda’s Hutu majority unleashed a genocide that took the lives of 800,000 people, mostly of the Tutsi minority, UHC welcomed survivor Emmanuel Habimana and the Terre Haute South Vigo High School STAND club to present a special program entitled #TogetherWeRemember.

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Sisterhood takes time off until March, plans kitchen shower

By Patty Lewis

Sisterhood held our final meeting of the season in November in the new Meadows Cafe at Meadows Shopping Center. We decided we enjoyed having lunch together and so each month we will find a different restaurant where we can get together. I’m going to check out the Fly-IN Cafe at Terre Haute Regional Airport for our next meeting in March 2019.

We also hope to schedule a shower to replenish the Temple kitchen, and could use some first aid items as well. We will be sending out a flyer between now and March and you can bring your items to the March meeting or drop them by the Temple.

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Jewish community marks Kristallnacht 80 with CANDLES talks, Theater 7 reading at UHC

As communities observed the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht on Nov. 9-10, the attack on Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue and rising incidences of hate crimes across the western world added urgency to the declaration, “Never again.”

In Terre Haute, UHC member and Kristallnacht survivor Walter Sommers spoke at CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education Center, where he serves as a docent, and participated in a candle-lighting the honor the victims of the Holocaust.

A day later, UHC and Theater presented a staged reading of This Side of Eternity: The Story of Kristallnacht, by former Terre Haute resident Christopher Bibby.

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