With meetings, Purim party and Shabbat dinner, March was a busy month for Sisterhood, in a good way.
Sisterhood elections are set for May. Let me know if you’d like to be a candidate for office!
Photos of people and events involved with United Hebrew Congregation Terre Haute.
With meetings, Purim party and Shabbat dinner, March was a busy month for Sisterhood, in a good way.
Sisterhood elections are set for May. Let me know if you’d like to be a candidate for office!
Louise and Walter Sommers celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary Thursday, March 30, with a quiet dinner at their Westminster Village apartment in Terre Haute.
“It was a cold, snowy day,” Walter says of the couple’s wedding day on March 30, 1947. “Louise’s father invited just about everybody he knew. And after the wedding, we were busy shaking hands for way over an hour. This much I remember.”
A new Haggadah and expanded activities mark United Hebrew Congregation Terre Haute Passover festivities, set for Monday, April 10, at Temple Israel.
This year, UHC has added a Maariv, or evening service, to begin at 5:45 p.m. in the sanctuary. The seder will follow immediately at 6:30 p.m. downstairs in the Vestry Room.
Student Rabbi Aaron Rozovsky will officiate. The holiday ends at sundown Tuesday, April 18.
UHC’s annual Purim party proved a rousing success, with hamentaschen, hats, groggers and hilarity for all. Rabbi Aaron and helpers read the whole Megillah. View images from the event!