I am so proud of all the contributions everyone brought in for Light House Mission/Conner’s Center. The December Sisterhood meeting was canceled due to inclement weather, but Rev. Tim Fagg, Rev. Timothy Long and their assistant came to collect the donated items and were very impressed with the four large totes we filled for them. Sisterhood sent a generous check as well.
Patty Lewis
Patty Lewis is Sisterhood president at UHC Terre Haute.
Who would think 700 stones could feel so meaningful?
After a little more than 700 white rocks, we now have a stone on every Jewish grave in the old and new cemeteries at Highland Lawn, with help from Wilma Turetzky, Jackie Silver and Jessica Claycomb. It took us two days, but it was well worth it.
Temple members can make a difference
If you are reading your Hadashot newsletter today, that means we have made it through 5776. I think that is God’s way of telling us our work here on earth is not done. Have you ever wondered what that work is? I know I do. At the end of the day I try to look back and think, did I save a life, teach someone something or tell someone I love them and they are important?
We are not looking for the beef, but the cups
I don’t care where the beef is, but where are the cups? I went to get four cups from our beautiful set of antique dishes and out of a set of around 200, there is only one cup. In “Beauty and the Beast”, I know cups can walk and talk, but I’m sure our cups did not walk away alone. If anyone knows where the cups are, please share it with me!