Religious school students pool tzedakah resources, plan March 17 Purim celebration

By Debra Israel

I have enjoyed my continuing involvement with UHC religious school, since my daughter, Jennifer, is teaching there. I find our CHAI curriculum can lead students of all ages to think and reflect.

Religious school students are aiming to contribute tzedakah funds toward one good cause per month. During February, they bought three trees to be planted in Israel.

Purim begins the evening of March 20. We hope everyone enjoys the holiday — and the hamentaschen!

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When Hanukkah is not enough: Jews consider their place in Christmas culture

By Student Rabbi Jonathan Falco

December in America is unlike any other month. The cold bite of winter finally sets in, the sky grows dark earlier and consumerism abounds.

A confluence of all these factors gives way to the general feelings of cheeriness that characterize this holiday season. In just about every city, it seems as though we are inundated with fake icicles and the fresh smell of evergreen furs while Nat King Cole takes over the radio and becomes the elevator music a la mode.

Nativity scenes fill suburban lawns and neighbors quietly compete for the best display of Christmas lights in the neighborhood. Every year around this time, many American Jews begin wondering, “What is my relationship to this joyful holiday season that purportedly stems from a holiday that is not my own?”

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Families turn out to assure another successful Passover Seder at UHC

United Hebrew Congregation celebrated a joyous Passover as families, students and guests from the community and out of town gathered for the Temple’s traditional Seder.

Herschel Chait led Shabbat services in the sanctuary before all moved downstairs to the Vestry Room, where Herschel and UHC President Betsy Frank led a spirited Seder service.

Take a look at photos from the event!

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