UHC joins Jewish Community Legacy Project for virtual Elul events; prepares for holidays

By Betsy Frank

The month of Elul that began August 26 precedes the High Holy Days and begins our process of Teshuvah, or repentance.

More traditional congregations blow the shofar each morning during Elul to remind Jews of the holiness of Rosh Hashanah.

In small congregations such as ours, we prepare for the High Holy Days largely on an individual basis.

However, this year during the month of Elul, our congregation, along with a group of legacy congregations in Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana, are participating in a pair of special online programs to help prepare for the High Holy Days.

We also welcome Rabbi Stanley Miles, who grew up in our congregation, to lead High Holy Days services!

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matzoh globe

UHC sets Passover ‘Celebration’ for April 23

Following two years in the wilderness of fully remote Passover seders, United Hebrew Congregation will invite members back to the Vestry Room for an abbreviated hybrid Pesach “Celebration” at 6 p.m. Saturday, April 23.

The date, which falls on the final day of Passover, coincides with Student Rabbi Matt Derrenbacher‘s regular visit. Rabbi Matt will conduct the seder for virtual and in-person audiences.

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Intersecting calendars can bring complications, or a fun combo of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah

By Debra Israel

Hanukkah begins the evening of Sunday, Nov. 28. And while not quite the same as our historic Hanukkah/Thanksgiving combination (which we last experienced in 2013), it’s still pretty close!

Personally, I love thinking about the culinary possibilities, such as enjoying my leftover cranberry dishes with latkes instead of just applesauce. I’ll make sure to keep some sweet potatoes to grate and add to the latke recipe.

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