Religious school students pool tzedakah resources, plan March 17 Purim celebration

By Debra Israel

I have enjoyed my continuing involvement with UHC religious school, since my daughter, Jennifer, is teaching there. I find our CHAI curriculum can lead students of all ages to think and reflect.

Religious school students are aiming to contribute tzedakah funds toward one good cause per month. During February, they bought three trees to be planted in Israel.

Purim begins the evening of March 20. We hope everyone enjoys the holiday — and the hamentaschen!

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Legally speaking: Medical power of attorney is fine, but hold that conversation with your doctor

By B. Scott Skillman

This month, I want to speak more about advance directives, also known as medical power of attorney, or appointment of health care representative, as it is more commonly labeled.

These are a statutorily created documents used by medical providers to permit a person or persons to make decisions about health care.

Like other powers of attorney, this document releases the doctor or hospital from liability for allowing someone, not you, to make health care decisions. It also permits this individual to receive personal information about your health care that would otherwise be private, and thus inaccessible to them.

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Legally speaking: What is power of attorney, and when do we need it?

By B. Scott Skillman

Continuing my series on routine planning to assist family and friends in the event of incapacity or death, this month’s article focuses on the creation and use of a “power of attorney.”

People often assume that the phrase power of attorney has something to do with a lawyer. The term “attorney” often involves lawyers, but it actually applies to persons authorized to act on behalf of another. 

So, for our purposes here today, keep in mind that lawyers need not be involved at all. Which is not to say they should not be involved, but only that it is not required.

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