Walter Sommers welcomed Shabbat at the Temple, among the numberless generations

By Betsy Frank

I don’t always plan which readings to include before I lead Shabbat services.

Normally, I just pick a reading at the last moment during the service. But I’m frequently amazed that the reading I pick seems so pertinent to the day.

During a recent service, right after we lit the Shabbat candles, I selected the reading at the top of Page 124 in Mishkan Tefilah.

As I read this unplanned reading, I got a lump in my throat. A beloved member of the numberless generations had just passed away — Walter Sommers.

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UHC takes climate action, plans special virtual event January 23 with The Shalom Center

By Betsy Frank

Both Rosh Hashanah and secular New Year tradition call on us to make changes in our personal and collective behavior.

Our congregation has taken a step toward improvement by getting involved with Creation Care Partners, an Indiana interfaith organization dedicated to helping individuals and congregations ameliorate climate change.

United Hebrew Congregation will co-sponsor a virtual event at 7 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 23, as Rabbi Arthur Waskow, founder and director of The Shalom Center and a pioneer in eco-Judaism, will speak on “Confronting the Climate Crisis: Despair or Sacred Action?”

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When routine becomes intention, we bring our own meaning to spiritual practice

By Betsy Frank

Although I am not shomer Shabbat by any means, attending Friday night services has become a part of my routine.

Dick and I either eat out or order takeout before services. We do the same for Saturday morning breakfast, following up with a visit to the Terre Haute Farmer’s Market.

When scheduled, Shabbat also includes Torah study for me. All these activities are a part of Shabbat in the Frank household.

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Cleaning up clutter might just make more time for Daf Yomi and other spiritual pursuits

By Betsy Frank

I recently listened to a presentation about reducing stress in our lives. One tip suggested cleaning up clutter. Oops! If that’s the case, I am in trouble!

But just today I inadvertently came upon an opportunity to clean up some clutter.

I had begun searching my computer for an old column to recycle. Unfortunately, I carelessly clicked the wrong button, and all my old columns were gone.

Then I got to thinking, do I really need to keep all my old files? Probably not.

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