One of our goals as a Board this past year has been to reach out and become engaged with our surrounding community. We were making a conscious effort to friend-make (a term we learned in our Sacred Places Indiana training). Well, the results of our efforts have been outstanding!
Betsy Frank
Betsy Frank is UHC para-rabbinic fellow and president.
What are your gifts?
This is the season of gift-giving. Hanukkah will be upon us before we know it. And, if you have Christian relatives, Christmas gifts might be exchanged as well. Material gifts, however, are primarily temporary. Toys get outgrown or broken and clothing wears out. Even larger gifts, such as electronics, break and must be recycled.
Rabbi Arthur Green offers Judaism’s ’10 Best Ideas’
We have just finished celebrating the High Holy Days. How gratifying it was to look out over the congregation and see familiar faces — those who attend regularly, those from out of town who come home for the holidays, and those who are in town, but whom we don’t see often.
Days of Awe provide opportunity for reflection
The Ten Days of Awe or Yamim Noraim is a time for reflection, both personal and congregational. From our reflections, we strive to make changes in our personal and congregational lives. Over the past several years, I have written about personal reflection and change, but not so much about congregational reflection.