Sunday school class decorates the sukkah, waves lulav and etrog

United Hebrew Congregation Terre Haute Sunday school students draped a bare sukkah (raised by volunteers a week earlier) with beads, boughs and drawings last weekend, shook the lulav and etrog and settled into the structure to enjoy holiday snacks.

Herschel Chait led the Sukkot service and directed the ritual, as each participant faced east, waving lulav and etrog to west, north, above and below.


Students and guests decorate the exterior of the sukkah, located in the yard behind Temple Israel, with beads, vines and leafy branches collected from the area.

The sukkah’s walls display student artwork.

Students made mini-sukkahs with graham crackers, pretzel sticks and M&Ms, cemented with peanut butter.

Herschel displays lulav and etrog, beside a now-dried etrog from two years ago.

Everyone takes a turn waving lulav and etrog.

Afterward, students relax inside the sukkah to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

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