Spring is here. Now would be a good time for working women to join Temple Sisterhood!

By Patty Lewis

“April showers bring May flowers.” I love the sound of that expression. It means spring is on its way and summer will be here soon.

Sisterhood will meet at noon Tuesday, April 16, at Rick’s Smokehouse, 3102 Wabash Ave. in Terre Haute. Please join us!

Sisterhood will meet at noon Tuesday, April 16, at Rick’s Smokehouse, 3102 Wabash Ave. in Terre Haute. Please join us!

Our lunchtime meetings are always fun. Last month, we got together at the Fly-IN Cafe at Terre Haute Regional Airport. I think everyone enjoyed watching the planes as we ate some delicious food.

We held a brief meeting after our meal, allowing us to take care of a few tasks and make some decisions.

CANDLES and military veterans to benefit

As we have for many years, Sisterhood will make a donation to CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education Center. We are glad we are able to do that. The museum is an important part of the past and the future. We also decided to help military veterans this year.

Drop off donations for the kitchen anytime at the Temple!

Generous donations made our kitchen shower a success, and we appreciate all who helped.

If you were unable to attend our March meeting, you can still drop off donations for the kitchen anytime at the Temple and Norma will coordinate.

Join Sisterhood and help make a difference

I know some of you ladies are considering Sisterhood but have not yet joined. We would love to have all the women at our Temple become a part of our organization. You can still make a difference as a member of Sisterhood, even if you can’t make it to meetings!

Annual dues are just $25 and have not gone up in 20 years or more.

I recognize meeting time may be an issue for some who work during the day.

Now, at one time we met during the evening, every other month. But that didn’t work out! I’m sure after getting off work you have plenty to do at home and are not interested in coming out for a meeting.

You can still make a difference as a member of Sisterhood, even if you can’t make it to meetings.

We tried weekends and needless to say, that didn’t work either. Weekends for working women are the time to get things done at home.

And so, we settled on lunchtime meetings the second Tuesday of every month, April through September.

A very special lady once explained to me it was OK if every Sisterhood member is not present at every meeting. We do enjoy our meetings, and they are important to our work. But a growing, dues-paying membership is vital to our continued effectiveness.

Robert will help with the garden

As for now, I’m anxious to start working in my flower garden and watch the flowers bloom.

I also expect to have a big helper this year with my garden. I’m sure my great-grandson Robert will be right out there working with me.

Have a great April and we hope to see you at our next meeting.

Patty Lewis is president of UHC Terre Haute Sisterhood.

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