Sisterhood to lay stones at Highland Lawn, publishes large-format 2021-22 directory

By Patty Lewis

With the arrival of Spring, I have a worthy project for Sisterhood and any Temple members who would like to participate.

Wilma, Jackie and I have twice visited Highland Lawn Cemetery to place stones on Jewish graves, and we’re planning to return on a to-be-determined day in May to do so again.

Placing a stone on a headstone is a simple way to remember those who played vibrant roles in our Temple community and are now gone, and whose family members are not here to honor them.

We will tentatively plan for the second week in May, weather permitting. Call Norma at 812-232-5988 to RSVP or to recommend a particular time or day!

We’re all in this together. When will we be together?

The spring weather has us energized to get out of the house, if only to get our second vaccine shots. Ralph and I are now fully vaccinated.

I know our community is not back to normal but we are in a better place than we were a year ago.

I keep hearing that “we are all in this together.” And yet, so many families have been apart for so long, due to COVID restrictions.

We need to tell ourselves it won’t be long before families and the Temple community can reunite.

New Sisterhood directory is a big hit

I want to thank everyone for the phone calls and emails letting me know how much you have enjoyed the new large-format, 2021-22 Sisterhood directory we recently published and mailed.

The directory is our first in three years and features Edna Ruth Gilmore‘s 1998 Sisterhood history, along with my new update and six pages of restored photos.

A big thanks to Norma, Ken and BigPicture for their help in producing the book!

Serving as Sisterhood president for the past 21 years has meant so much to me. I’ve become friends with some special ladies and consider the position to be an honor and privilege.

As we acknowledge our Sisterhood history, let’s look forward to a busy and rewarding future!

Patty Lewis is Sisterhood president at UHC Terre Haute.


The new Sisterhood directory features some classic photos from memorable events!

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