Sisterhood takes time off until March, plans kitchen shower

By Patty Lewis

Sisterhood held our final meeting of the season in November in the new Meadows Cafe at Meadows Shopping Center. The food and service was good, but most of all, the turnout was great. I enjoyed having everyone with us.

We decided we enjoyed having lunch together and so each month we will find a different restaurant where we can get together. I’m going to check out the Fly-IN Cafe at Terre Haute Regional Airport for our next meeting in March 2019.

Family gathers for the holidays

We’re all probably still trying to work off the pounds that we gained from the desserts and good food we consumed during Thanksgiving. I hope everyone was able to enjoy the holiday with family and friends.

My daughter was able to come in for Thanksgiving from Tennessee with her son Jackson. Also, my sister and her son joined us and we had our precious great-grandson Robert and his mom and dad.

Our gift shop was once again well-stocked for Hanukkah, with a few special items, including a beautiful quilted Menorah, handmade by Jean Diemer of Anni’s Cottage in Terre Haute.

Robert is too young to understand the Hanukkah traditions, so each night after lighting our candles, we added money to Robert’s College Jug. We brought Robert to the religious school Hanukkah party this year, giving him a chance to enjoy time with other kids.

Watch your mail for a flyer

According to the weatherman we’re going to have a cold, cold winter with some snow, so don’t forget to check on people who might need help.

Even through Sisterhood will not be meeting for a while, we are still here if you need us. Please call and let me know if we can be of help.

Sisterhood will try to schedule a kitchen shower to replenish the Temple kitchen. We also could use some first aid items. We will be sending out a flyer between now and March and you can bring your items to the March meeting or drop them by the Temple.

My family wishes you a happy holiday season. And please try to stay warm!

Patty Lewis is president of UHC Terre Haute Sisterhood.


Religious school played host to a Hanukkah party at the Temple, with Student Rabbi Jonathan Falco as master of ceremonies.

Sisterhood held its November meeting at the Meadows Cafe. Afterward, members took a stroll through The Meadows shopping mall.

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