Sisterhood’s meeting in May was our last until September. But that doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy! We’ll be playing host for our annual Good Cheer Club for the Blind Dinner at noon Wednesday, July 11, in the Vestry Room at the Temple.
The dinner dates back to 1911, when Mrs. Carl Wolf began the tradition. Mrs. Wolf continued to organize the dinner until 1965.
We are honored to host this wonderful group and they appreciate the activities so much! Please volunteer to help set up and serve if you can. Contact Norma at 812-232-5988 or email NormaJeanth @ aol . com.
Sisterhood welcomes Don Weiner for brown bag luncheon

Our May meeting featured a carry-in luncheon. We had a good turnout and great food. It is always fun to sample the different dishes our members bring.
We enjoy guests at our luncheons as well. This month, Jane Weiner’s husband Don was our guest. We were happy to welcome the Weiners back to Terre Haute for the summer.
My children were out of town during Mother’s Day, so we spent the holiday with religious school students and teachers.
You can always find Scott working and overseeing the kitchen during this event. Not only did Scott take care of the kitchen and cooking (with help from the kids), he was our waiter for the day! I really appreciate being a part of the festivities.
Thank you to Betsy for her good work
The Temple’s annual meeting on May 20 covered some interesting topics and board member elections.
We’re fortunate to have Betsy Frank as our president. Betsy has done a great job and we hope to keep her in that position as long as possible.
And now for the weather: We complained because it took so long for summer to get here, and now we can complain about the hot weather. It seems like we have either too much rain or not enough. The good thing is we can hook up the garden hose and make our own rain if necessary!
Purchase your afghan raffle tickets today!
Sisterhood may be small, making big fundraisers no longer viable, but we can continue with smaller events to help fund our projects to serve the congregation and community. Toward that goal, I have crocheted a 9 x 4-foot afghan, white with teal stripes and made of soft baby yarn.
Please help out by purchasing raffle tickets for $1 each or six for $5. See Norma to purchase tickets and admire the afghan! We’ll hold the drawing at our First Tuesday meeting on Sept. 4.
Even though Sisterhood will not meet until then, we are still around. We welcome your suggestions for guest speakers or community organizations we might assist.
Please join us in September! And thank you so much for all the help that Sisterhood gets from each of you at United Hebrew Congregation.
Patty Lewis is president of UHC Terre Haute Sisterhood.