Sisterhood sets cemetery project, agenda for upcoming meetings

United Hebrew Congregation Terre Haute Sisterhood will meet at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 25, in the old Jewish section at Highland Lawn Cemetery, to spruce up markers and headstones.

They’ll pay particular attention to graves that no longer receive family visits and will decorate each grave with small stones, according to Jewish tradition.

Rain date is Wednesday, Oct. 26.

Highland Lawn is located at 4420 Wabash Ave. in Terre Haute.

The November 8 Sisterhood meeting will feature a special guest speaker, according to President Patty Lewis.

Members also learned the Temple will hold a special Veteran’s Day Shabbat service at 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 11, at Westminster Village retirement community, 1120 E Davis Dr. in Terre Haute.

On December 13, a representative of Light House Mission will speak. Patty asks Temple members to donate personal care items the mission representative can take with him to serve the needs of mission guests. Members can leave those items with secretary Norma Collins.

Following the latest meeting, Patty and Wilma Turetzky inspected the Temple’s Sukkah, celebrating the Sukkot holiday that began Sunday, Oct. 16.

Sisterhood meets the second Tuesday of each month, excluding January-March.


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