Time brings change; Sisterhood seeks ideas for 2018, resumes work on directory update

By Patty Lewis

Here we are in November and before you know it, Hanukkah will be here. I’m hoping to get some new holiday items in the gift shop within a couple of weeks.

Sometimes we just wonder where the time goes. It seems like just yesterday I was raising my three children and now my granddaughter Patricia is expecting my first great-grandson — yes, we know it is a boy.

As you may know, I lost my sister-in-law Gail a few months ago. Then we lost our dog of 12 years.

Now, we have another death in the family. My sister Connie’s husband passed away. I think we are given this beautiful great-grandson to fill the void created by all our losses.

What would you like to accomplish in 2018?

Turning to Sisterhood business, I would like to hear from all the members to see what you would like to accomplish this year.

Where would you like our meetings to be held and where would you like to go for outside events?

I would love to hear some new ideas from our Sisterhood. I am only one person, and it takes more than one person to make this all work. We can and should work together.

Reminder: When we met in September, we discussed our Sisterhood directory.

We have not had a new directory for a few years, so we’re going to publish an updated edition this year

We have not had a new directory for a few years, so we’re going to publish an updated edition this year and we want to make sure we have everyone’s correct address and phone number, because we don’t want to leave anyone out!

Please send the information you would like in the book along with your Sisterhood dues of $25 for one year.

We’d like to have all the information we need to publish by the time Sisterhood meets again at noon Tuesday, November 14, at Temple Israel.

Patty Lewis is president of UHC Terre Haute Sisterhood.

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