Sisterhood reschedules; declares Hanukkah store open for business

By Patty Lewis

An early winter blast led Sisterhood to cancel its November meeting, scheduled for Grand Traverse Pie Company, 75 North Third St. in Terre Haute.

We’ve rescheduled for the same time and location, noon Tuesday, Dec. 10. The weather forecast calls for 28 degrees and cloudy, but no snow!

Taking time to enjoy lunch with friends can be inspiring and refreshing, providing a nice break from our busy lives.

Please join us. Taking time to enjoy lunch with friends can be inspiring and refreshing, providing a nice break from our busy lives.

Call Norma at 812-232-5988 for updates. You never know about the weather!

We’ve got menorahs, dreidels and more

The Temple is looking good from the inside and out. I love the work the board has authorized to shore up our stained glass windows and complete other needed improvements.

Hanukkah will begin the evening of Sunday, Dec. 22, so now is the time to visit our holiday gift shop in the Vestry Room.

In the meantime, stay warm and look out for each other. We are always here for you.

Patty Lewis is president of UHC Terre Haute Sisterhood.


The Hanukkah gift shop is is stocked with candles and other items.

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