Sisterhood plans first new membership directory since 2014-15

By Patty Lewis

Patty Lewis is president of UHC Terre Haute Sisterhood.

Editor’s note: Since publication of this column, we’ve discovered a more recent Sisterhood membership directory in our archives. The most recent directory actually dates to 2015-16!

At our meeting in September, we discussed our Sisterhood directory.

We have not had a new book since 2015-16, so we’re going to publish a new one this year and we want to make sure we have everyone’s correct address and phone number, because we don’t want to leave anyone out.

Please send the information you would like in the book along with your Sisterhood dues of $25 for one year. If you could send this within the next two weeks (care of United Hebrew Congregation), we would appreciate it.

Please send the information you would like in the book along with your Sisterhood dues of $25 for one year.

I know the meetings are not well-attended but we still have the support of all our ladies and we have donations coming in from the community who care about our children.

With this support, we are able to fulfill our obligations such as religious school, the Temple kitchen, gifts for bar and bat mitzvahs and donations to community organizations that are in need.

Each group within our congregation has been able to help and Sisterhood tries to do our part as well. And with your help, we can do it!

Thank you so much!



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