Sisterhood keeps busy with events; sets May elections

By Patty Lewis

Sisterhood will not meet in April, due to the Passover holiday. The group will resume its regular second-Tuesday schedule with a carry-in lunch at noon May 9, 2017.

March was a good month for Sisterhood.

On March 12, Sisterhood and the Religious School put on the Purim picnic and it was a big success.

Student Rabbi Aaron Rozovsky and his three special friends did a fun job on reading the Megillah. His friends were Winnie the Pooh, Elmo and G.I. Joe.

Others took turns reading. Herschel purchased everyone special hats to wear. Karen did a great job shopping and putting together Purim boxes for the shut-ins. Karen, Debra and I brought hamentashen. All in all, the attendance was great.

We decided to vote in May for Sisterhood  officers.  Every Sisterhood member has the right to speak up if they want a change.

On March 14, Sisterhood met at Clabber Girl for lunch and a brief meeting. Following lunch, we walked through the museum.

We decided to vote in May for Sisterhood officers. If you would like to put your name in for an office, please let me know. Every Sisterhood member has the right to speak up if they want a change.

On March 17, we enjoyed dinner with everyone at the Temple before the service. I would have to say March was a busy month, in a good way.

Patty Lewis is president of UHC Terre Haute Sisterhood.

Sisterhood regularly hosts onegs following Shabbat services at Temple Israel. Here are some images from March 17, 2017 (Select an image to begin a slideshow).

Images from the March 10, 2017, oneg that included pre-Purim hamentaschen! Here, Rabbi Aaron conducts the kiddush and haMotizi.

Congregants dig in:

Patty and Wilma meet across the table and engage in spirited conversation.

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