Patty’s plan for the day — cast worries aside and play in the yard with Robert

By Patty Lewis

I find myself checking the calendar these days to try to fix my place in time. But I guess time loses its meaning as this Covid-19 has really messed up the days and months in our lives.

Every evening, Ralph wants to know my plan for the next day.

Sometimes I tell him I think I will take a long trip and I will be back when this is over.

Of course, I know my family needs me here and we have no idea when our predicament will end. We just live day by day and stay home until it’s necessary to go out.

We wear a mask and gloves when we leave the house and avoid close contact with people, but we miss interacting with them, friends and strangers alike.

Playtime is a priority for Robert

Compared to others, though, I really think our family is blessed.

I scroll through Facebook and read about people who are separated from children and grandchildren, with whom they can no longer visit.

Robert celebrated his second birthday with a party at the Temple.

For our part, we’re fortunate that our granddaughter and her family live with us. I can spend time with my great-grandson and grandson every day.

They are so much help. John handles most of our shopping so I don’t have to leave except to ride in the van to Ralph’s medical treatments.

Outside, the trees are full with beautiful green leaves and the flowers are in bloom.

When it’s not raining these days, we’re getting out of our houses to find a space in the yard where the sun shines down, allowing us to feel the warmth of oncoming summer.

I’m enjoying my great-grandson Robert, who recently turned 2 years old. On nice days, we play outdoors as if no worries exist in the world and our only task is to have fun.

Here in our subdivision, neighbors have been playing treasure hunt with the kids. We post shamrocks and rainbows in the windows so the children can count how many they found.

I hope you’re all remaining cautious, staying home and doing well while we wait for the day when we can get back to our old routines.

Sisterhood finished up some business

Sisterhood held its most recent meeting in March at the new Culver’s. If we get this virus under control, perhaps we can be together in June. If not, we’ll make other plans!

The Temple kitchen got a good cleaning.

Shortly before we went into lockdown, Sisterhood decided the Temple kitchen needed a deep cleaning and hired Lori to get that task done. She did a great job, and the kitchen looks better than it has in years. We’re looking forward to using it again before too long!

I would also like to thank Karen’s friend Elizabeth Garland for her monthly donations that have allowed religious school to purchase much-needed items.

Let us appreciate our blessings

Meanwhile, digital technology helps us communicate with others we are missing. Thanks to Betsy for setting up Zoom so we can hold Shabbat services on Friday nights and Temple board meetings each month.

I am not always able to join the sessions, but when I can, it is so good to see your faces and hear your voices.

As with most people, I tend to take my blessings for granted. We think we will always be young, always able to come and go as we please and to see the people we want to visit.

This isn’t happening now.

If we only realize one good thing from this experience, it is to appreciate the ordinary gifts in our everyday lives.

Patty Lewis is president of UHC Terre Haute Sisterhood.

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