Parents, teachers and students are getting things done at religious school

By Patty Lewis

I am going to start out by bragging about our religious school.

Religious school students set up the Passover tables in 10 minutes.

About 11:30 a.m. one Sunday, I went down to the Temple to get a few things done, and listened and watched the students during their class.

I was so impressed with the parents, teachers and older children who were helping. As the class came to an end, everyone gathered in a circle and sang a song together and it was beautiful.

There are larger congregations with more children in religious school but you would not find a school run as well as ours.

As the class came to an end, everyone gathered in a circle and sang a song together and it was beautiful.

I am very proud of the work everyone puts in for our children. I’m not going to name all the helpers because I might miss someone. You know who you are and I’m very proud and happy with everyone involved.

If you ever question the future of our religious school, please visit and watch the students in action.

After class was over, parents, teachers and children pitched in to set up the tables and chairs for our Passover seder. They finished the job in about 10 minutes and I really appreciated the help!

Sisterhood will close season with carry-in luncheon May 14

Sisterhood held its April meeting at Rick’s Smokehouse. The food was very good and Rick even brought us cookies.

We have decided that for our final meeting of the season on Tuesday, May 14, we will continue our tradition of a carry-in lunch at the Temple.

I will furnish the main course and everyone can bring a side dish. We always have a nice variety of good food and if you have can, bring a copy of your recipe so we can share. All are welcome!

Kitchen shower continues to bear fruit — and tablecloths

Thanks to all who contributed to our kitchen shower. We still have items coming in, and now we have a well-supplied kitchen for Temple events. Feel free to use the kitchen when at Temple. It belongs to all of us.

I was unable to attend the Temple’s annual community seder but know it was a wonderful event with Betsy and Herschel officiating. They do a great job.

Our Temple may be small, but we stay busy with important activities, and we’ve accomplished a lot over the years.

A special thank-you to Elizabeth Garland, who has a great passion for our children and supports us with her love and financial contributions.

Spring rain assures Patty’s hostas are thriving

As for the spring weather, have you ever heard the song, “Rain, rain go away, come again some other day”?

I heard that a lot when I was little. I sing it this way: “Rain, rain go away, little Patty wants to play in her garden — so come back again some other day!”

On the other hand, the recent rain means my hostas are doing great.

I hope you all can attend the May Sisterhood meeting, and bring a guest! It will be our last meeting for a few months. But as always, Sisterhood will be around if you need anything. Please call us at any time.

Patty Lewis is president of UHC Terre Haute Sisterhood.

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