Our congregation is engaged — to the community

By Betsy Frank

Betsy Frank is UHC para-rabbinic fellow and president.

What do you think when you hear, “We are engaged”?

At holiday time (when I am writing), you might think someone you know is engaged to be married. But being engaged has other meanings.

“Engaged” can mean interacting in meaningful ways with others. One of our goals as a Board this past year has been to reach out and become engaged with our surrounding community. We were making a conscious effort to friend-make (a term we learned in our Sacred Places Indiana training). Well, the results of our efforts have been outstanding!

One of our goals as a Board this past year has been to reach out and become engaged with our surrounding community.

You already know about the successful Veteran’s Day Shabbat at Westminster Village. Another activity at Westminster Village is a Torah study led by Rabbi Aaron.

One resident told me, unprompted, how much she enjoyed learning more about Judaism. She also told me that about 20 people attended the first Torah study. Another activity brought about 100 people through our Temple — the Farrington’s Grove Holiday Home Tour.

Yes, the Temple is our Jewish home. Several visitors have since come to services. A Yom Hashoah program in conjunction with CANDLES is in the preliminary planning phases. And in June, we will, once again, be on the Sunday Stained Glass tour.

The more that people know who we are, the more we have support to remain strong for years to come.

A Yom Hashoah program in conjunction with CANDLES is in the preliminary planning phases.

On another note, I will be traveling a lot over the next few months. So, what else is new? However, don’t hesitate to contact me. I am always available to address your concerns.

Happy Secular New Year to you and your family.

Betsy Frank

PS: A friend of mine, Ruth Gresley, has been on our prayer list for several years and will remain on the list. She has cancer. The cancer, more than likely, won’t disappear. But her chemo keeps her stable so she can live her life.

Ruth asked me to thank you for your prayers, which have helped her to continue a happy and productive life. Prayers do work!

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