On Passover and beyond, we must ensure freedom for all

By Betsy Frank

Betsy Frank is UHC para-rabbinic fellow and president.

In a few days, we will be celebrating the holiday that more Jews celebrate than any other. Of course, that holiday is Passover.

Passover commemorates our redemption from slavery in Egypt. However, we aren’t celebrating just an event long ago. We are re-telling the story of the Exodus as if it was our own experience, today.

Because the Exodus continues to be part of our experience, we must work to ensure all people enjoy the freedoms we have as Jews in the United States.

Because the Exodus continues to be part of our experience, we must work to ensure all people enjoy the freedoms we have as Jews in the United States.

Ensuring freedom for Jews and others is sometimes difficult, even here in Indiana. The Jewish community has been threatened in the past few months.

The JCC in Indianapolis has experienced several bomb threats and in Evansville, an unknown perpetrator fired a shot through a classroom window at Temple Adath B’Nai Israel.

And in Terre Haute, our Muslim community has been threatened via emails sent to Muslim faculty members at Indiana State University.

Yes, re-telling the Exodus story is important. We must always be reminded that our freedom cannot be taken for granted.

Join us in reading the Haggadah during our congregational Seder at 6:30 p.m. Monday, April 10.

So, join us in reading the Haggadah during our congregational Seder at 6:30 p.m. Monday, April 10. Student Rabbi Aaron Rozovsky will lead our Seder. Prizes will be awarded for the best charoses.

Elections on the way for Temple Board

On another note, the Temple will hold Board elections at our annual congregational meeting (more on that next month).

However, in order to prepare for the meeting, candidates must be identified to run for the Board and to serve as Temple officers. We need candidates for president, vice president/secretary and treasurer.

Please add your name to the ballot by sending an email to betsyfrank @ msn.com.

Thank you and see you at the Seder. Dick and I and our family wish you all Chag Sameach.

Betsy Frank

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