Maxine Schnitzer lives on in family memories, and following tradition, we can do the same

By Betsy Frank

Betsy Frank is UHC para-rabbinic fellow and president.

In preparation for Maxine Schnitzer’s funeral, I had the opportunity to speak with Sam, her husband of 66 years.

I heard how the two met and other interesting facts about Maxine’s life, including her tenure as Sisterhood president.

Listening to Sam, I got to thinking. How many of us have passed on our stories to children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews and other members of our families?

Listening to Sam, I got to thinking. How many of us have passed on our stories to children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews and other members of our families?

One of Judaism’s beliefs is that we live on in the memory of others. But do others really know our life stories as part of those memories? Do our friends and families know how we met our spouses? Do others know about our careers and other aspects of our lives?

The holidays offer prime opportunity to share history

The November and December holidays are a perfect time to share our stories.

Rather than enduring dinner table conversations wrought with controversy, we could discuss our lives instead.

Stories help the younger generation see how its story is grounded in the larger family tale.

For example, if grandchildren talk about their accomplishments in school, share your school stories, too.

Point out where your stories are similar and different. Are academic and athletic abilities similar across generations? Stories help the younger generation see how its story is grounded in the larger family story.

True enough, not all stories are happy ones. However, others can learn valuable lessons from stories about how we coped with difficult times.

If you are a single person with no nearby family, you can still share your story with others. Friends, after all, become our “families,” so to speak.

True enough, not all stories are happy ones. However, others can learn valuable lessons from stories about how we coped with difficult times.

As the weather gets colder, remember that sharing stories can bring warmth to our homes and families.


Betsy Frank

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