Louise and Walter Sommers celebrate 70th wedding anniversary

Louise and Walter Sommers married on March 30, 1947, in New York City. They spent the next week skiing in the Laurentian Mountains near Montreal, Canada, and a year later, they moved to Terre Haute, where Walter established the ladies sportswear department for Meis Department Stores.

Thursday, the pair marked their 70th wedding anniversary with a quiet dinner at their Westminster Village apartment in Terre Haute.

Louise and Walter will celebrate their anniversary, and Louise’s 92nd birthday, during April with a family gathering at Westminster. Walter turned 96 in December.

Walter recalls his wedding day

“It was a cold, snowy day, and it happened at a very nice synagogue on West End Avenue in New York City,” Walter tells daughter Nancy Sommers during an interview May 16, 2016. “Louise’s father invited just about everybody he knew. And after the wedding, we were busy shaking hands for way over an hour. This much I remember.”

Family photos

Images display Walter and Louise on their wedding day; during an award ceremony at CANDLES Holocaust Museum for Walter’s work in Holocaust education; during a Sommers family reunion brunch at Temple Israel; at Walter’s 96th birthday party; and at Westminster Village.

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