Joseph’s coat of many colors may inspire others to donate coats this winter season

By Betsy Frank

Betsy Frank is UHC para-rabbinic fellow and president.

In just a week or so, we will be reading about Joseph and his coat of many colors. We all know the story: Joseph receives a coat with many colors and his brothers are most jealous and throw Joseph in a pit.

Whenever I read or hear this story, I think of Donny Osmond, who played Joseph in the musical, Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Such a beautiful coat caused so much trouble! But I digress.

The story of the coat has a deeper meaning about family relationships that become fractured over jealousy and other feelings.

The story reminds us as well that many in our community do not have coats.

When you read or hear the story of Joseph this year, perhaps you will be prompted to think of that gently used, no-longer-worn coat in the back of your closet.

As part of the URJ Biennial 2017 convention giving-back initiative, the URJ operates a donation program to provide coats to Bostonians who need them. Attendees are encouraged to bring new coats to Boston during the Biennial.

Yet, we don’t have to travel to Boston to give back. When you read or hear the story of Joseph this year, perhaps you will be prompted to think of that gently used, no-longer-worn coat coat in the back of your closet.

You could launder that coat and donate it to Goodwill, Coats for Kids or another organization in our own Wabash Valley community.

So many of our community are in need. Please consider donating so someone in need can stay warm this winter.


Betsy Frank

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