Grandmother’s legacy is still unfolding

By Patty Lewis

Sisterhood will not meet until March, so this month I will write a thought I had as I was working on a project for my family reunion.

I was thinking (that isn’t always good), my grandmother was the oldest of seven sisters, around whom the reunion is based.

In writing the names down of all the people who were descended from my grandmother, I realized how important it was that my grandmother was born.

In writing the names down of all the people who were descended from my grandmother, I realized how important it was that my grandmother was born.

With only 113 names and a lot more to go, it made me think we may not have a family member who invented anything important or found a cure for any disease or gone to the moon, but who knows? We may produce a future President of the United States.

So, if you ever wonder why you were born, consider the reverse. It could be if you had not been born, the world would miss out on someone very important to you or the next generation.

Patty Lewis is president of UHC Terre Haute Sisterhood.

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